Nicole's Books
Nicole is the author of several self-help and corporate books. Through her books, she inspires individuals and organizations to reach their full potential and thrive.
Empowered Living: 90 Days Of Affirmations
Unlock your inner potential and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery with "Empowered Living: 90 Days of Affirmations for Confidence, Self-Belief, and Fulfillment." Authored by mindset coach Nicole L. Turner, this empowering book offers a roadmap to personal growth and empowerment through daily affirmations and words of encouragement.
Detox For Your Life: Building a Healthy Relationship with Yourself and Others
We all have toxins in our minds and emotions that are preventing us from reaching our full potential or walking into our destiny. To build a healthy relationship with ourselves and with others, we also, at times, need to detox our life. Wayne Dyer said it best when he said, "Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change."
Detox Your Relationship: Know When to Stay and When to Let Go
People who have not addressed their individual toxins, take them into their relationships, and this can lead to dissension, chaos, drama, emotional abandonment, trust issues, and lack of communication. Some people stay in relationships they probably should leave, while others leave relationships that are worth trying to make it work. This book gives insight into both.
Live Now, Die Later
One of the scariest feelings that any person can have is that they are just moving through life and not actually living their life. They are just existing, but not really living. Are you living life by default and not by design? Many people feel as though they are just going through the motions and are not actually experiencing what it is like to be alive. They have just accepted whatever has been thrown at them. It's time to live now and die later.
Cracking The Organizational Climate and Culture Code
Helping organizations understand the impact organizational culture has on ALL areas of business and the cost associated with a toxic workplace culture. Twenty percent of the workforce leaves an organization because of the culture. . Cracking the Organizational Climate and Culture Code takes a deeper dive into how organizations behave.
Toxic Work Environment
eBookWith massive layoffs, reorganizations, high turnover, poor leadership, workplace bullying etc., workplace toxicity is at the forefront of most business discussions. This eBook identifies signs of a toxic workplace and offers tips to address workplace toxicities (e.g., toxic employees, toxic leaders, and toxic culture).
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