“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” ~ Napoleon Hill
If We Haven't Met Yet...Hi, I'm Nicole. I'm so glad you're here!
A Little About Me....
I'm an ambivert. I love sunflowers. I am a mindset coach, consultant, author, speaker, podcaster, knowledge-seeker, and optimist, dedicated to helping people change their mindset and create a life they love. Watching people soar and experience personal transformation feeds my soul. Growing up in Mississippi, southern hospitality was a way of life; therefore, southern hospitality is what I give to my clients.
When I was a kid in elementary school, I used to get in trouble because once I finished my school work, I would walk around the classroom helping other students figure out the answers to their schoolwork. I believed if I knew the answers, I should help them know the answers too. I've always had a heart for helping others.
Over the course of my adult life, I've felt stuck, unsure of the path I should take, but knew there was something more...different that I should be doing. No matter what I tried, I still felt unfulfilled, and one day, it "found" me. I say it found me because the more I was chasing different things, trying to figure out what I should be doing with my life, one thing was consistent, people, professionally and personally, always sought advice, mentoring, or coaching from me. I help people identify the mental and emotional toxins in their life that are preventing them from flourishing and impacting their relationship with themselves, others, and their career or business. That's how I became the Detox Strategist™.
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